Website Update December 2024


Table of Contents

  1. New Theme
  2. Astro Upgrade to v5
  3. General
  4. RSS
  5. Charts!
  6. Deploying to Cloudflare

New Theme

New theme using!

(Inspired by zkbro)

Astro Upgrade to v5

Went well, be sure you run astro sync. Sometimes you have to export something different in the content.config.ts for Astro to see your changes… Seems buggy but I moved past it.

I made some sql and json collection loaders, and it works great.


I forgot that <style> in an Astro component is scoped only to it, so I needed to add global styling to global.css.

On my disc golf page I added an HTML only collapsible content using <details.


I can’t get images to work in my RSS feed… I spent a little bit of time on it. So I am now only producing the blog article name in the feed. This doesn’t feel good, but I’ll spend more time on it down the road.


On my disc golf page, along with other pages I wanted to show chart(s). I don’t want JS needed just to KISS. Chart.js seems like a fine choice and got it working with chartjs-node-canvas. chartjs-node-canvas last update was ~2 years ago which is slightly concerning, but who cares, I can produce png charts server side in Astro 💪

I was going to mess with svg-radar-chart because if this and this article but found no need.

I didn’t have much luck looking for charting libraries:


I was forced to use chartjs-node-canvas because in <style> tags you can’t import code and pass variables via define:vars or I would have used pure Chart.js.

Follow Up

I think this article that uses Apex charts will be a better version of what I’m doing.


Deploying to Cloudflare

Before I was manually dragging a folder onto their web dashboard UI to deploy. Now I have a MakeFile that uses their wrangler CLI to deploy. It even does an intelligent diff instead of uploading everything; which is what the previous method did.

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