
Explore Spotify data. I’d like to:

  • View stats about my listening history
  • View my listening history
    • Would be nice to be able to search
  • List the podcasts I listen to
    • Ideally I’d like an RSS feed of updates to my Podcast feed. Things like “followed new podcast xxx on x date”


  1. Put the exported files into PostgreSQL so it’s easy to query and slice and dice to display


My beloved#datagrip wasn’t working importing a CSV to#neonpostgres with the error:

I’m not sure why… so I had to go the psql CLI route 🤷‍♂️

TODO cat4egforize the below

Get list of podcasts from spotify and migrate to other app (kicked off export 2024-01-06 2:52pm) (dataframed addition) (downloaded spotify data on 1-9-24)

I only exported a years worth of data.

I’d like to be able to search my listen history.

Primary Goal Get a list of all the podcasts I follow, curate, add to AntennaPod app. Expose a OPML download. Expose a markdown list.

To Do

Generate Podcast List

The file we want is YourLibrary.json

Install dependencies:

Install psql

npm install -g @json2csv/cli

Get it in a CSV format to load:

cat YourLibrary.json | jq -r '.shows' > your-library-just-shows-v1.json

json2csv -i your-library-just-shows-v1.json -o your-library-just-shows-v1.csv

Load it:


create table spotify_podcasts (  
    name text,  
    publisher text,  
    uri text  

\copy spotify_podcasts FROM '/home/lane/Desktop/Spotify Account Data/your-library-just-shows-v1.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER


# Run a random inline sql script
psql -c "select * from spotify_streaming_history" YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING

# Run a random sql script
psql -f ./test-script.sql YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING

To Dos

  • Create stats and show in nextjs ✅ 2024-01-13
  • Create opml page manually or with library (I don’t know the RSS url so I’m not going to do this)
  • Generate URL to spotify like so: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GFqbdH3xEtu0ZKUP6tr13 ✅ 2024-01-13
  • export from the open podcast app to see the format for opml (it was simple, nothing too crazy) ✅ 2024-01-14
  • need flyway or something for this schema (this will come some day)

Brain Dump