My Homelab
This page sucks in my homelab docker-compose files and creates easy links to navigate to them if they expose any ports.
My Machines
I have a Temporal schedule that runs screenfetch -N
week that writes to Minio and this page requests the files from Minio
and renders the results here.
I didn't go with neofetch
because of unicode
Last Updated: 12/15/2024:
lane@lane-desktop OS: Pop 22.04 jammy Kernel: x86_64 Linux 6.9.3-76060903-generic ##### Uptime: 1d 22h 43m ####### Packages: Unknown ##O#O## Shell: lk ####### Resolution: 5360x1440 ########### DE: GNOME 41.7 ############# WM: Mutter ############### WM Theme: Pop ################ GTK Theme: Pop [GTK2/3] ################# Icon Theme: Pop ##################### Font: Fira Sans Semi-Light 10 ##################### Disk: 146G / 276G (56%) ################# CPU: Intel Core i7-10700K @ 16x 5.1GHz [32.0°C] GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 RAM: 25247MiB / 48023MiB
Last Updated: 10/10/2024:
./+o+- root@server1 yyyyy- -yyyyyy+ OS: Ubuntu 20.04 focal ://+//////-yyyyyyo Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.15.0-122-generic .++ .:/++++++/-.+sss/` Uptime: 2d 2h 29m .:++o: /++++++++/:--:/- Packages: 1810 o:+o+:++.`..```.-/oo+++++/ Shell: lk .:+o:+o/. `+sssoo+/ Disk: 1.5T / 4.1T (38%) .++/+:+oo+o:` /sssooo. CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 @ 8x 4GHz [37.0°C] /+++//+:`oo+o /::--:. GPU: AMD/ATI Caicos [Radeon HD 6450/7450/8450 / R5 230 OEM] \+/+o+++`o++o ++////. RAM: 5700MiB / 15912MiB .++.o+++oo+:` /dddhhh. .+.o+oo:. `oddhhhh+ \+.++o+o``-````.:ohdhhhhh+ `:o+++ `ohhhhhhhhyo++os: .o:`.syhhhhhhh/.oo++o` /osyyyyyyo++ooo+++/ ````` +oo+++o\: `oo++.